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casByReference(Monitor<Entity>) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Sandbox
Compare monitored entity with the sandbox copy by reference and set it to monitor if the reference is the same.
casByValue(Monitor<Entity>) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Sandbox
Compare monitored entity with the sandbox copy by value and set it to monitor if the reference is the same.
clone() - Method in class com.github.vfro.Sandbox
Clone Sandbox.
com.github.vfro - package com.github.vfro
Java implementation of Monitor Concurrency Pattern.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Sandbox
Check if sandbox entity is equal to other`s sandbox entity.


get() - Method in class com.github.vfro.Sandbox
Access monitored entity.
getCondition() - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Get a condition variable which is signaled after mutation or change of monitored entity.
getEntity() - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Get access to monitored entity without any synchronization.
getReadLock() - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Get a lock which is used for shared access.
getWriteLock() - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Get lock which is used for exclusive access.


hashCode() - Method in class com.github.vfro.Sandbox
Return hash code of sandbox entity.


Monitor<Entity> - Class in com.github.vfro
Monitor is a synchronization construct that allows threads to have both thread-safe access to underlying monitored object or value (hereinafter monitored entity) and wait for it to mutate (if it is a mutable object) or change (if it is an immutable value) to a desirable state.
Monitor(Entity) - Constructor for class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Create new instance of Monitor initialized by monitored entity.
Monitor(Entity, Lock, Lock) - Constructor for class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Create new instance of Monitor initialized by an entity and custom locks.


pull(Monitor<Entity>) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Sandbox
Access monitored entity in the monitor, assign its clone to sandbox and return the clone of obtained entity.


read(Consumer<Entity>) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Access monitored entity in shared mode.
read(Consumer<Entity>, Predicate<Entity>) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Wait for monitored entity to mutate or change to a desirable state and access it in shared mode.
read(Consumer<Entity>, Predicate<Entity>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Wait for monitored entity to mutate or change to a desirable state and access it in shared mode.


Sandbox<Entity extends Cloneable> - Class in com.github.vfro
`Sandbox` class allows threads to create a local copy of monitored entity and then Compare and Swap the mutated or changed entity back to monitor.
Sandbox() - Constructor for class com.github.vfro.Sandbox
Create a new instance of Sandbox with null as its monitored entity.
Sandbox(Monitor<Entity>) - Constructor for class com.github.vfro.Sandbox
Create new instance of Sandbox and pull its entity from monitor.
Sandbox(Entity) - Constructor for class com.github.vfro.Sandbox
Create new instance of Sandbox with monitored entity.
set(Entity) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Change monitored entity.
set(Entity) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Sandbox
Assign a new monitored entity to Sandbox.
setEntity(Entity) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Modify monitored entity directly without any synchronization.
swap(Entity) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Change monitored entity and return the previous value.


toString() - Method in class com.github.vfro.Sandbox
Convert sandbox entity to string.


write(UnaryOperator<Entity>) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Access monitored entity in exclusive mode.
write(UnaryOperator<Entity>, Predicate<Entity>) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Wait for monitored entity to mutate or change to a desirable state and access it in exclusive mode.
write(UnaryOperator<Entity>, Predicate<Entity>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.github.vfro.Monitor
Wait for monitored entity to mutate or change to a desirable state and access it in exclusive mode.
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